Have You Tried That Crazy Wrap Thing?!

Have You Tried That Crazy Wrap Thing?!
Have You Tried That Crazy Wrap Thing?!

Monday, September 15, 2014


(This is a must read if thinking about joining)

Most businesses fail for a variety of reasons, non more critical than getting in at the wrong time in the company's life cycle. There has been a lot of research into network marketing and ill share a quick overview on what to look for before joining ANY company, not just It Works! Global.

Network Marketing, Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), or to some the "Pyramid Scheme" is being taught at more than 200 colleges including Harvard Business School. After extensive research into the network marketing there are 3 very important factors that a network marketing company must have in order to make it a desirable opportunity:

1. The company must be at least 18 months old. 90% of all network marketing companies that fail, do so in the first 18 months of operation. Lack of adequate financing and inexperienced senior management are two of the more common pitfalls of start up companies so be sure to find out what you can about the MLM's funding and management. (It Works is DEBT FREE)

2. The company must have a product that is both unique and highly consumable. Meaning it must be an exclusive product that can be purchased only from your distributors with repeated sales thereby guaranteeing customer loyalty versus a one-time sale and having to locate NEW customers constantly. (Our wrap is one-of-a-kind. Makeup, handbags, candles, jewelry, nail stickers, etc. can all be purchased at Target/Walmart... is that who you want your competition to be??)

3. It needs to be a "ground floor" opportunity. Harvard Business School suggests that in order for the opportunity to qualify as a ground floor type, the number of existing distributorships should be less than 1/2 of 1% in the country where this network company exists. In the U.S., this figure is equal to 1.5 million people. Harvard Business School also stated that if there were less than 500,000 people involved, you would be on the cutting edge of a great opportunity. If the company has less than 100,000 distributors, Harvard Business School considers it to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. (It Works on average pays out 70,000 checks, many of those check are being paid out on my team to individuals that aren't even working anymore!! So it is much lower than that!)

THE MOMENTUM PHASE is when the company experiences phenomenal growth.

Both retail and distributorships EXPLODE in terms of expanding growth. It is during this period that the company virtually sweeps the nation. When company's sales reach about 50 million annually (4.2 mill a month), they reach what is called "critical mass" (sales go vertical right off the graph).

Let's assume you have an organization which is producing an override bonus check to you of $1,000 per month. When the company reached critical mass, distributors almost automatically experience a ten-fold increase in earnings. In other words, $1,000 per month becomes $10,000 per month. This is the reason for getting involved on the ground floor, so you will experience the benefits of explosive growth.
(It Works growth is continuing to explode and will reach this point in the next couple years.... where will you be??)

Would you say that THIS is the opportunity of a lifetime?? NOW is the time!

Rise and Grind!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Road to Ruby Game Plan~Outline for the Ruby

Road to Ruby Game Plan~Outline for the Ruby

Outline for Ruby:

If you can become a Ruby and make Ruby's, you can make it to the TOP of this company!The Game Plan
Your 90 day plan starts with your first 30 days! If you are not brand new and want to RESTART your business implementing the Road To Ruby Game Plan, you may do so at any time!

**It all starts with your *Daily/Weekly activities!

1. Make your list, check it twice. Highlight everyone who loves healthy products, need and income or that you would just love to work with!

Call them, let them hear your excitement and ask them if they have tried that crazy wrap thing?! Ask them if you could send them a 10 minute video so they can see what you are doing. Tell them you are looking for people who are interested in trying healthy products at a discount along with people who want to make money and join your team. Let them know you work on referrals so if any names come to mind, please write them down. Set up a call within one day after they watch to get their opinion.

**Send them Kami Dempsey Opportunity Presentation OR Rachel & Pam's live opportunity video. Be sure to watch them yourself so you know which one you prefer. All video's are located in the files page of your facebook team page.

2. Plug in & personal growth
All call info is located in the files section of your facebook team pages. Read call info and ask them to write down numbers and plug them into their phones with an alarm.

*Sunday @ 10pm eastern/7pm pacific
Corporate Call with CEO, Mark Pentecost
832-225-5825 access code 489675#

*Monday@ 9pm eastern/6pm pacific
Showing Me the Money with Pam Sowder & Mike Potillo
832-225-5825 access code 489675#

*All recorded call info can be found at myitworksevents.com. Just click on call missed!

*Our team calls are monthly on the 3rd Sunday prior to our Corporate call at 9pm eastern/6pm pacific (unless it's a holiday then we will have it on the 2nd Sunday). Special guests!!
805-399-1000 access code 624384#

**Recorded Team Call number
805-399-1099 access code 624384#

*Road to Ruby call EVERY SATURDAY same place, same time!

3. Do something everyday
*Blitz (10 cards/day & 1 magazine in play)
*Ideas leave your labeled magazine with blitz cards inserted anywhere there is a waiting room.

4. Book 2 parties/week for a total of 8 in your first 30 days!

5. Get 2-3 people to watch an opportunity video/week and set up a follow up call to answer their questions. *Found on files on FB team pages.

**30 Day Goal/Get to Ruby (3 Team members~1 @ Executive and 2 $400 Legs)
Follow Steps to Success & *Daily/Weekly Activities.

1. Sign up with your TOOLS (you can't open a coffee shop without coffee).

2. Set up your $80BV Autoship at the time of enrollment. We recommend 2 boxes of Body Applicators. This will automatically make you commission qualified.

3. Find your first 4 Loyal Customers by calling friends/family and asking them if they would be willing to try one product for 3 months in a row at a discount so you can borrow their testimony OR book a party immediately!
*Try to do this in your first 72 hours AND watch the Training Academy! This will set you up for success and earn you $120 in FREE product plus 2 more boxes of wraps @ $25 each!!!

4.Identify your first 3 Business Partners IMMEDIATELY through parties or calls.

5. Do, teach, repeat!

**60 Day Goal/ Get to Emerald (4 team members~2 are Ruby's & 2 are $400 Legs)
Personally repeat #2 & #3 of the Steps to Success by doing the *daily/weekly activities and teach your new team members to do the same!!

**90 Day Goal/Get to Diamond (5 team members~1 is an Emerald, 1 is a Ruby and 3 are $400 LegsPersonally repeat #2 & #3 of the Steps to Success by doing the *daily/weekly activities and teach your new team members to do the same!!

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. "
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blitzing Tips!!!

Found some great tips on BLITZING:

Here are some Blitzing Training videos to take a look at!
Black Diamond Kami Dempsey and Ambassador Tiffany Passick:
Blitzing advice from Diamond and Above leaders:

I know a lot of people on my team ask for blitzing advice pretty frequently so I wanted to
put together a document from some of our leaders with their tips and tricks.
To be honest, I don’t think I am the best blitzer! I have become much more comfortable
but I don’t love the “cold call!” Wouldn’t we all rather have people come to us!?!
I have learned to make this business and our products a part of conversation. I wear my
It Works shirts a lot so that starts a conversation. When someone comments on my
purse I say, “Thank you! It was my splurge with the awesome income I make selling
wraps!” This always leads to, “selling what?”
When I am shopping or checking out somewhere I always ask if I can leave a few
coupons at the register or if I can leave the clerk a coupon. This usually opens up a
I also tell my stay at home moms that when they are asked what they do for a living that
It Works needs to be the first thing out of their mouth! I kept hearing them say, “Oh I stay
at home with my kids.” Tell people, “Luckily I can stay at home with my kids and work an
amazing business selling skinny wraps!”
One of my DT’s tells people “I wrap fat for a living!” Don’t you know she starts a lot of
conversations this way?!
I would rather have one intentional conversation each day than leave ten cards out that
may or may not be thrown away. I feel the best connections start this way. Here are
some other tips from great leaders!

Follow up, get THEIR name and number, don't just drop a card and
leave, if the person you're blitzing isn't interested...go for the referral, etc.

Blitz with intention. Meaning you are giving a blitz card to someone because they have said or done something that gives you reason to believe that this product or this business is the answer for them.
Present with enthusiasm and confidence. Big difference between blitzing and
blitzing with reason and purpose.

Don’t give up. There have been times I have felt down
because I have blown through a pack of blitz cards with what I thought was no
result and then my phone rings with someone interested in the product or the

Carry a brag book of pics or an album on your phone with your Blitz cards and
always have them out so you don't have to stop and pull them out. Share YOUR results.

If you have blitzed a hundred cards and received no feedback, then I would say to you blitz 200 cards! Do not give up! Have an attitude of intention. I approach people by saying, "Can I share something with
you that has changed my life?" I love their response! After I share my personal
testimony, I share my husbands diabetes testimony. Keep it short!!! Don't be
afraid to walk away, but walk away with confidence b/c they have your info! Don't
keep tallies of how many people didn't contact you back...be thankful and
celebrate the ones that do! That will keep you blitzing more!!! ;)

Put a sticky note on all your blitz card and as you hand them the card, ask for their email sand write it on the sticky note so that you can follow up :)

Choose your market. I think a lot of DTs are intimidated by certain people, and those are the people we should be choosing! :) I ALWAYS give my "coupon" and then say, "Can i get your phone number? i can call so we can set up your party!" so thankful i do this!!! i'm 80% more successful with blitzing because of it!

The may have already "heard" of this, but have they "tried" it? Follow up is most important, get their info instead of just saying "you can visit my website". If they haven't tried it, ask them why not, if they have, ask what their opinion is of it, what their results were, and work from there.
Always be positive! Wear that gear and put out positivity, don't focus on

When "cold" blitzing always follow up to the areas you have already blitzed. You never know who is watching.... I actually have places that call me and tell I'm out of blitz cards at their locations.

I share with my team Blitzing is like fishing. First you bait the hook (blitz card) Cast your line (hand them out) sometimes just wait, sometimes the fish hits hard fast (new LC/DT immediately) sometimes you have to jerk the line around a bit (follow up). You just keep fishing, you eventually will
catch one! Don't stop if the fish doesn't bite the first few times because we know
the ocean is FULL OF FISH for all of us!! :0)

Try to blitz in teams of 2. Flash Mob blitzing can be fun- stay excited and keep it VERY simple.. This is what it is, this is what it does in 45 minutes- may I give you a coupon for $25 ? and blitz EVERYWHERE- most success has come from what I would consider "family friendly places"- like
grocery stores, your waitress, Walgreens or Target"- thanks for putting something together- your docs rock!!

My kiddos take our cards to sporting events, co-op events, etc ..
and each of the four has their name in the corner, hand written. They share what
mom and dad are doing and then they verbally share how mom has lost some
weight and inches and is able to afford archery lessons and a horsemanship
class with her job now. People LISTEN to them. Then they ask the person to go
to the website and they thank them for the time it took to listen! What I do for my
kiddos, after one calls.. will keep private! :-) Rocks though!!

People have to see something 5 to 6 times before they actually say now what is this or I want to try it or start asking questions. So make sure you go to places over and over. Also you have to ask for their name and info so you can put them in drawing and you can call them back I love blitzing I loved
what Mike said on the Monday call- hand out 10 a day for 6 to 7 days a week till
conference and you will be where you want to be in your business by conference

I always get their info. After doing the "this is what it is, this is what it does" I say I'm doing a drawing in 2 weeks and get their info to enter them. I follow up within 24 hours. 24 hours is key because after that, they are forgetting you and thinking about bills due, kid's practices coming up and other
life things!

True story! I was watching the ladies behind the checkout at Joann's & they were miserable! So I sad as one was ringing me up " oh do you like working here?" her response "NO!" she is retired working PT & unhappy. Very pretty too. I whipped out a blitz card & said "I was just in a job too where I
was unhappy, but I started to sell these wraps, and it has taken off." i now just
sell & talk wraps!" hers eyes lit up. You just need to look at the situations around
you & work that blitz card in.

Keep it simple! I have a product that looks like this, flip it over, you can put it in
these areas, & if you want to try it it's $25/$30. If you want to host a party with 5
or more friends you get to wrap for free. "are you interested" "do you have friends
who like this?" this is how it is taught at Green Carpet. Less is more. Or you can
go in to a store & say can you do me a favor, can I give you & your employees
some coupons or sit them out in your store. It Works!

Found and condensed....
I have been blitzing for the last month and have gotten 1 (count it) 1 loyal customer out
of it! Can we say, "DEFEATED"?!?! I am having one of those months where every DT falls through, loyals don't call back with their credit card info to go in the computer and no one is following up after I give them info and they show interest. BUT I am a leader so I have continued to train,
continued to blitz, continued to follow up.
Today has been rough and I have to say, if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't ever want
to blitz again! But, what kind of leader would I be if I gave up the second things didn't go
my way? What would I be passing on to my team? I want us to be the team who
WON'T use excuses. Who WON'T give up. Who say, "I am going to make this happen
no matter what"! So if that's the team I want, it starts with me.
I get embarrassed when I blitz. I have weeks, maybe months where I am afraid that I
will never sign another person again. Ever.
BUT I know that this business works in seasons for me-I'm either on fire signing tons of
people or going through a drought. I know that I am planting seeds. I know that if one of
you comes to me and says that you have been blitzing for a month straight and nothing
has happened-I want to be able to say, "then blitz for two months straight". And I can't
say that until I've lived that. So, if nothing else comes from this slump, I hope I can show
you guys that I don't have any magic for you, or any trick, or any secret-I'm just a girl
who was in the right place at the right time and was willing to put in the work when I saw
an amazing opportunity. And so are you. Unless you're a boy.