Have You Tried That Crazy Wrap Thing?!

Have You Tried That Crazy Wrap Thing?!
Have You Tried That Crazy Wrap Thing?!

Monday, January 20, 2014

HOW TO WRAP + Videos! Quick and EASY!

This is What it IS and This is what it DOES: Quick Videos on how to Wrap in the convenience of your own home! 

The first is from Madra a top earning Black Diamond (500k monthly) and MOM of 3! 
The second is Kaye Sowder, MY TEAM LEADER and Ambassador Diamond (40k)! 
Love these videos.

SHOP Pack of 4 NOW: Givemethatskinny.com

STEP 1 - Take a before photo. A picture is worth a thousand words.
STEP 2 - Cleanse the skin with warm water. We want the cream from the body wrap to penetrate your skin.
STEP 3 - Remove the Skinny Wrap from its packaging and unfold.
STEP 4 - Position the wrap on to your targeted area, and smooth it over your skin.
STEP 5 - Once the wrap is on rest with it in place or secure it with plastic wrap, an ace bandage or snug exercise attire.
STEP 6 - Under your clothes. Wear a minimum of 45 minutes. (I wear mine 4-5 hours)
STEP 7 - IMPORTANT: Drink Water—at least 2 bottles while wrapped. This is crucial, Drink to Shrink.
STEP 8 - Remove the wrap, and gently massage the remaining lotion into your skin.
STEP 9 - Take your after photo (Maximum results occur over the 72-hour period.)
STEP 10 - For best results, use all four wraps, one at a time on the same area, allow 72 hours between each application. For FANTASTIC RESULTS Use one wrap, each week for four weeks on the same area. They are sold in a box of 4 and that is considered a full treatment.

SHOP Pack of 4 NOW: Givemethatskinny.com

SHOP Pack of 4 NOW: Givemethatskinny.com

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